Small dog in a carrier in a car back seat.

Drive safely with pets in cars

Is your pet free-ranging in the car? Better check local laws and crate or tether her up.

When there's warmer weather, pedestrians, pets, bicycles and motorcycles are out in force, requiring drivers to be even more cautious. No matter where you're headed, the park close by or family vacation to the beach, 考虑和你一起旅行的每个人是很重要的, especially children and pets.

作为一名司机,你的责任是了解法律,保护你车里的人. 婴儿和学步儿童需要特殊照顾,所有50个州的法律都要求配备安全座椅. Some states even have laws that require your furry friends to be restrained. 例如,新泽西州要求宠物在车内被束缚或携带. 这种违规行为的罚款从250美元到1000美元不等. 在康涅狄格州,如果你的大腿上有宠物,你可能会被指控分心驾驶. 向你的机动车辆部门或兽医办公室查询有关分心驾驶和宠物约束法律的信息.

Dogs in cars

  • 当用汽车运送你的狗时,确保它是非常重要的 safe and secure. 不受约束的宠物可能会分散注意力,并构成严重的潜在风险. 在事故中,一只不受约束的宠物可能会受伤、死亡,甚至如果被扔出汽车就会迷路.
  • 就像孩子一样,狗也不应该把头伸出窗外骑马. A dog's eyes, ears or nose could be injured from flying debris such as leaves, pebbles or a bug.
  • 如果你计划一次长途公路旅行,确保你的狗习惯坐在车里. 带他们短途旅行,然后逐渐延长在车里的时间. The safest way for dogs to travel in a car is in a crate. 板条箱应该足够大,让你的宠物站、坐、躺和转身.
  • 任何时候都不要把你的宠物单独留在车里. 温度在短短10分钟内就会上升20度,使他们处于危险之中.
  • Restraining a dog in cars 避免与驾驶员的干扰,并有助于防止在碰撞中受伤. 带着一只不受约束的狗开车就成了一枚可能造成伤害的弹丸.
  • Another secure way to travel with your dog is in a doggy seat belt. 大多数汽车在设计时都没有考虑到狗,所以你的普通安全带不适合它们. A dog car harness can keep any sized dog safely strapped up in your car.
  • If your dog is anxious about car rides or suffers from motion sickness, 有非处方药和处方药来帮助宠物.

Dog supplies to take

When traveling with your dog there are items that should make the trip with you.

  • Food and water -带上足够你的狗狗在整个旅程中常用的食物和一个可折叠的水碗.
  • Familiar blankets 有家的味道的毯子或毛巾会让你感到舒适.
  • Potty bags – You don't want to be caught without them!
  • Vaccination records -如果你要穿越边境或让你的宠物登机,可能需要记录.
  • Medicine -你不想让你的狗没有常规药物或焦虑治疗.
  • Toys and treat -他们会因为你记得他们最喜欢的事情而喜欢你.

Keep the drive safe by following these tips:

  • Start your trip with GPS and music set; phone stowed. 带上自己喜欢的玩具、零食或毯子,让孩子和宠物满意.
  • Always drive with two hands on the wheel.
  • Understand the laws for passenger restraint. Both child and pet passengers require special attention. 没有乘客应该坐在大腿上或小货车的床上.
  • Make sure that the heating, 在您开始旅行之前,您的车辆的通风和空调系统(HVAC)状况良好. This will be especially important for those longer trips.
  • 在你的车里准备一根备用的充电线和汽车充电器.
  • 如果孩子或宠物需要照顾,或者你觉得 tired or drowsy. This way you keep your eyes on the road.
  • 在路上吃东西可能是必要的,但你也应该靠边停车. 为每个人准备零食和饮料,包括宠物,方便.
  • Remove loose objects from your vehicle, they can become projectiles in a crash, causing injury to people or pets. 如果发生碰撞,没有固定的宠物可能会受到惊吓,从打开的窗户跳下来.
  • Forbid paws and heads from being out the window. This applies to both 2-legged and 4-legged passengers.
  • 弄清楚你的路线上是否正在施工. 提前计划,找到替代路线和宠物友好的站点.

Safe travels!

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