Red and white "FOR RENT" sign in front of house with a couple holding hands in the background.


对于大多数DIY房东来说, 物业管理不是一项全职工作.

As a landlord, you have a lot of things on your mind, such as finding and 检查租户, creating a rental agreement, collecting rent and fixing maintenance issues. 对于大多数DIY房东来说, 物业管理不是一项全职工作, so it's easy to rush through important steps just to check another task off your to-do list.

Rushing important steps like tenant screening may not seem like a big deal, but you could end up renting your property to someone who never pays rent and causes thousands of dollars in damage. Avoiding common landlord mistakes might keep you from worrying about expensive and stressful problems.


  1. 不做调查就决定租金.
  2. 没有花足够的时间完善租赁协议.
  3. 不执行规则,尤其是滞纳金.

Follow these tips so you can be a more efficient and 有利可图的房东:


Deciding your rent price affects tenant interest and how much profit you make on your investment. It's a common landlord mistake to recycle your rent price year after year, despite changing 租赁的趋势. 为了避免这种情况, you should give your rental price careful consideration every time you're looking for tenants, advertising your property and looking to sign a new rental agreement. 毕竟,你的租金价格是一个商业决定.

How do you make an educated decision when setting your rent price? 有几个因素需要考虑.

  • 研究租赁市场: Do a quick search of other units on the market and how they're priced. Only compare your price to the price of units in your neighborhood since location is one of the biggest drivers of rent prices. 比较提供相似值的单位, like how updated the units are and if they provide similar amenities.
  • 预测 保养和修理: Make sure the rent amount allows for occasional maintenance costs like plumbing or electrical issues, and takes into consideration more long-term items like appliance and roof replacement or structural repairs.


Your rental agreement is your guide to how your rental property will be lived in and managed. 这是你制定规则的机会. A common landlord mistake is not modifying the rental agreement to reflect your own rules.

为了避免这种错误,花时间修改租赁协议. You should research landlord-tenant laws to ensure you're following state and local laws and consider talking with a lawyer. 下一步是编辑具体条款, and adding or even removing clauses as you or your lawyer deem necessary.

一份好的租赁协议是具体的. 例如, 如果你允许宠物, 那么你的租赁协议应该注明允许养宠物, specify the pet size and include a pet deposit amount and a monthly pet rent.


放任规则是房东常见的错误. This only reinforces bad behavior and decreases the validity of your rental agreement.

滞纳金是最重要的规则. 它们是用来激励你的房客按时交房租的. Tenants are more likely to forget to pay rent if t在这里's no retribution for forgetting. 对你的滞纳金规定要坚定.

On the flip side, it's also important for landlords to follow rules on their end. Several rules in the rental agreement are designed to hold the landlord to proper protocol. 例如, the notice-of-entry clause specifies how far in advance you should warn tenants when you'll be entering the rental unit (usually 24 to 48 hours). 确保你熟悉 公平住房法 to be certain you don't take actions or behave in a manner that could be discriminatory. 当你遵守租赁协议的规定时, you're setting a good example and possibly saving yourself from legal issues.

These common landlord mistakes could have a huge impact on your ability to be an effective, 有利可图的房东. 值得庆幸的是,它们很容易避免. The steps outlined throughout this article can help set you up for success.

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T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Make sure you ask the landlord-tenant questions before signing a lease and moving in.


向租客收取租金的方法有很多. 重要的是要考虑最适合你的需求.

房东有什么责任? 在你搬进去之前先学习

如果你的公寓出了什么问题, 你需要了解房东的维护责任.


Writing an effective online property rental listing will attract the most qualified and responsible tenants.