Energy saving tips for winter


你可能已经拿出了冬衣和连指手套——现在是时候了 winterize your home 太. 寒冷的早晨和潜在的降水也可能导致煤气费和电费上涨. 无论你是在与零度以下的气温作斗争,还是只是早晚凉爽, small changes can help lower the high cost of staying warm and cozy. Read on for strategies to help.

How to save heat 能源

  • Adjust your ceiling fan. Hot air gets trapped at the ceiling, but your ceiling fan can help push it downward, which in turn helps your rooms remain warmer. 改变控制,使风扇在低设置时顺时针旋转.
  • Lower your thermostat. 关于冬季房屋储蓄策略的好处是,你可以循序渐进地削减你想要的钱. Take the setting on your thermostat and:
    • 晚上调低10度,你可能会节省10%的电费 heating costs. But if that's 太 cold for you, lower it by just 1 degree over an 8-hour period, and you may save yourself 1% on your home's heating bill
    • 设置内置功能,让恒温器在白天调节温度, when no one is at home, and at night, when you're covered up by blankets and asleep. 能源之星 reports that this could save you up to $180 annually.
    • extreme cold 建议将恒温器保持在一致的温度上,这样炉子就不会紧张地赶上来.
  • 考虑一个 smart thermostat. 节能恒温器可以捕捉到你家人的行为, can be accessed from a remote location via a smart phone, 并可能根据环境条件(如湿度水平)调整温度. As a result, a smart thermostat may save you some money
  • Lower the temperature on your water heater. 把热水器的最高温度调到华氏120度,这样可以节省更多的水电费.
  • Close off unused rooms. Don't spend a lot of time in a guest room or finished attic? 关闭通风口和门,以减少你必须加热的平方英尺

Tips for indoor comfort

  • Run a humidifier. 冬天我们在家里感到寒冷的部分原因是我们周围的空气. Less humidity equals a cooler, dry feeling. A humidifier, even a small one that runs in your main living spaces, can add welcome moisture to the air, increasing your overall comfort level.
  • Seal your windows and doors. Cold air seeping into your home 等于你的暖通空调系统做了更多的工作来保持家里的温暖. 好好看看现有的门窗,在门上更换或增加防风雨条,在窗户的缝隙上填上新的填充物,以帮助阻止那些气流,减少你的煤气费和电费. Windows and doors account for as much as 25% to 30% of a home's heat loss.
  • Seal air ducts. According to 能源之星, 20% to 30% of the air moving 通过你的管道系统是由于泄漏,孔和连接不良的管道丢失. Use mastic or foil tape to seal your system.

Winterize your 炉

  • 你的暖通空调系统不需要像家里的其他地方一样每周清洁一次,但它确实需要一次 HVAC tune-up 每年至少使用两次,尤其是在冬季和夏季等频繁使用的季节
  • 建立一个服务电话,这样技术人员就可以确保所有的零部件都处于良好的工作状态. Regular inspections can help ensure that your 将有效运行,并有可能降低家庭供暖成本
  • Change filters monthly. 你的暖通空调过滤器捕捉灰尘和污染物,把它们从你家里的空气中带走, 但这些同样的污垢颗粒也会阻碍熔炉正常工作的能力

Winterize your water lines

  • 如果你有任何管道在非绝缘空间或靠外墙, 用管道绝缘泡沫覆盖(在五金店可以买到). This may help prevent water pipes from freezing if the temperatures drop drastically in the winter

Other saving tips

  • Swap out holiday lights. 广泛使用的LED灯也很省钱,而且寿命更长. According to 能源.政府  它们只消耗20%到25%的能量,使用寿命长15到25倍. Swap your older strings for these 能源-efficient options, 确保在晚上或你不在家的时候关掉所有的节日灯
  • Take advantage of solar rays. 白天打开朝南窗户的窗帘,吸收太阳的热量. Draw them at night to help insulate your home.

Energy saving light bulbs

  • Consider replacing standard incandescent bulbs with 能源 efficient 的. They might be 更多的 expensive to buy, 但从长远来看,使用几个月后,你可以节省能源和金钱 

Learn 更多的 about how to manage your home 能源 needs.

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