
While you whip up gourmet creations, let us serve up the pp王者电子官网 needed to protect your business.


你的梦想是养活人们,经营自己的生意. Now that you’ve realized your dream, we want to support and protect it. Let us insure your 餐饮 and personal chef business with a customized pp王者电子官网 policy that fits your unique needs.

Caterers and Personal Chefs Insurance from 国营农场® can cover you in case of:
  • 食物中毒 食物中毒是最糟糕的,但也时有发生. Should your food make someone sick and it result in a lawsuit, we can cover you.
  • 从你的车里偷东西 你们的设备可不便宜. Should someone break into your vehicle while you are working, 本保单保护您的业务相关物品的损失.
  • 收入损失或业务中断 A covered loss could affect your ability to work and earn an income. In the event of a covered loss, we can help you recover lost income or profits.
  • 火- A dish rag left too close to the fryer; a pan that got too hot and caught flame. Heat is a necessary but dangerous element of your business. 本保单消除了相关风险.


We’ll start with a package of coverages most caterers and personal chefs need. Then we’ll help you customize them to fit your unique business. 结果? A Caterers and Personal Chefs Insurance policy that keeps your business properly covered at a surprisingly great rate.
  • 属性- - - - - - 保护你的建筑物, 改进, 内容, 设备, and inventory from a covered accidental direct physical loss.
  • 责任- - - - - - Protection against costly claims and lawsuits covered under the policy arising from property damage, 身体伤害, 或者人身伤害和广告伤害.
  • 食物污染- 为企业收入提供pp王者电子官网, 直接损失, and additional advertising expenses if your business is ordered closed by the Board of Health or any other governmental authority as a result of food contamination.
  • 〇收入损失 Protection in case your operations are suspended due to a covered loss.
  • 腐败, Coverage for accidental direct physical loss to perishable goods caused by mechanical breakdown, 停电, 或制冷剂污染.
  • 〇设备故障 Coverage for damage to covered property caused by mechanical breakdown of covered 设备, 人为产生的电流损坏被覆盖的设备, explosion of steam boilers or loss of steam/hot water boilers.
  • 〇员工不诚实 Protection against direct physical loss to business personal property including money and securities resulting from dishonest acts committed by employees.
  • 下水道或排水管的备用 Coverage for losses to property at the premises caused by water that backs up from a sewer or drain located in the interior of the structure.


Depending on the type of 餐饮 or personal chef business you own, 你拥有的员工数量, 还有其他因素, what’s covered in your Caterers and Personal Chefs Insurance policy may not be enough.

A 当地州立农场代理 can advise you on additional coverages you may need to protect your business.


有雇主非所有责任的商业汽车 (ENOL)覆盖汽车, 卡车, 货车, and other vehicles you or your employees use on or traveling between jobsites, 包括不属于你的车.


商业责任保护伞政策 (CLUP) gives you an added measure of protection when your covered liability losses exceed your policy 限制.


工人的补偿 helps protect your crew against work-related injuries or illness. 对工人补偿的要求因州而异.

Rated “the best overall” pp王者电子官网 company for small business

我们不是吹牛的人(好吧,也许有一点),但是 Investopedia
recognized State Farm pp王者电子官网 as the top choice for small businesses 1 像你这样的. 原因如下:


我们的代理商也是企业主. They understand the unique needs of small business owners.



We offer an array of coverage options that can be combined into one policy for you.





This is only a general description of coverages of the available types of business pp王者电子官网 and is not a statement of contract. 承保范围详情, 限制, or services may not be available for all business and vary in some states. 所有险别均以本合同条款为准, 规定, 除外责任, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. Contact a State Farm agent for more information and a customized quote.

State Farm (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any 第三方网站s hyperlinked from this page. 州立农业pp王者电子官网公司无权改变, 更新, 或控制超链接上的内容, 第三方网站. 访问第三方网站的风险由用户自行承担, is being provided for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such 第三方网站s.

Life Insurance and annuities are issued by State Farm Life Insurance Company. (未在MA获得许可, NY, and WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in New York and Wisconsin) Home Office, 布卢明顿, 伊利诺斯州.

  • 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司
  • 国家农场赔偿公司
  • 布卢明顿,
  • 德州州立农场县互助pp王者电子官网公司
  • 理查森,TX
  • 州立农场火灾事故公司
  • 州立农场pp王者电子官网公司
  • 布卢明顿,
  • 州立农场火灾事故公司
  • 佛罗里达州温特黑文
  • 劳埃德州立农场
  • 理查森,TX
  • State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
  • State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI)
  • 布卢明顿,