
Stay protected when vehicles you don’t own are used for your business.



What is employers’ non-owned car liability (烯醇) coverage?

Your employees may use their own vehicles for your business. It could be for daily sales calls or even an occasional errand. If a claim occurs and you are sued as the business owner, 国营农场® 烯醇 can help provide you with liability coverage.

聘请了车 1

如果租用车辆, leased or loaned for short-term use in your business, hired car coverage can be added to extend liability.

Why your business may need 烯醇 or hired car coverages

没有足够的pp王者电子官网范围, even a minor incident could have a major impact on your business. Here are some real-world examples of how 烯醇 and hired car coverages can help protect your business:
  • 烯醇 – Sam owns a stationery shop and sends her employee, Taylor, to the post office for stamps. Taylor uses his personal car, on Sam’s behalf, to run the errand.

    If Taylor causes an accident while using his vehicle for a work errand, 山姆也可能作为他的雇主承担责任. 烯醇 coverage may help protect Sam’s business if she and Taylor are sued.
  • 聘请了车 -莎拉是花店老板,她有一辆送货车. Her business experiences a higher volume of deliveries each year during Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.

    Sarah rents additional delivery vans for short-term use to meet the higher demand during these holidays. To extend liability to the rented vehicles, she may need hired car coverage.


  • 烯醇 can help cover your legal costs and damages if your employee is using their auto for a business task and accidentally injures someone or damages their property.
  • 在商用车保单上 hired car liability and physical damage may be added to an 烯醇 policy to help provide coverage while vehicles are rented, leased or loaned to your business for short-term use.
  • 关于商业政策 hired auto liability coverage may be added to help protect you and your employees.
有问题? Your State Farm agent can provide more information about how these coverages may help protect your unique business.


  • Employees are not provided coverage when using their own auto, as they are responsible for purchasing personal auto coverage for their vehicles.
  • Vehicles leased or rented for long-term business use should be insured on an auto policy.
  • 烯醇 and hired car coverages and availability may vary by state.

Rated “the best overall” pp王者电子官网 company for small business

我们不是吹牛的人(好吧,也许有一点),但是 Investopedia recognized State Farm pp王者电子官网 as the top choice for small businesses 2 像你这样的. 原因如下:


我们的代理商也是企业主. They understand the unique needs of small business owners.



We offer an array of coverage options that can be combined into one policy for you.



