

国营农场®重视您的隐私. 本公告描述我们如何收集、使用、保护和共享非公开个人信息. We are providing this notice as a result of your involvement in a claim with one of our customers and is provided whether or not you are an existing 国营农场 customer. 您可能会收到此通知,因为您参与了:

  • 在一场车祸中,州立农场作为另一辆车的司机投保,
  • 作为一名与州立农场pp王者电子官网公司一起索赔的车辆乘客,
  • 根据州立农场业主的保单记录的索赔.

It is possible 国营农场 customers may receive this notice and a separate privacy notice by virtue of being a 国营农场 insurance policyholder or owner of a financial services product.




  • 我们不出售消费者信息.
  • We do not provide consumer information to persons or organizations outside our 国营农场 family of companies who are doing business on our behalf, 为了他们自己的营销目的.
  • We contractually require any person or organization providing products or services to consumers on our behalf to protect the confidentiality of 国营农场 consumer information.
  • We may share consumer information and permit others to use that information if you give us your consent, 完成您要求的交易是必要的,或者是法律允许的.
  • We do not share consumer medical information with anyone within the 国营农场 family of companies, 除非您明确授权,或法律允许或要求我们这样做.


We collect and use information we believe is necessary to administer our business and to provide you with service. 我们可能会收集和维护用于这些目的的几种类型的消费者信息. 例如,我们收集以下信息:

  • 从你, 通过书面通信、电话或面谈, 比如你的地址和电话号码.
  • 从非国有农场公司,比如你的驾驶记录和索赔历史.




We may share information about our experiences with you within our 国营农场 family of companies and with 国营农场 代理 to better serve you and to assist in meeting your service needs. We may also disclose consumer information about you to persons or organizations inside or outside our family of companies with your consent or as necessary to complete a transaction you request or as permitted or required by law. We share consumer information as necessary to handle your claim and to protect you against fraud and unauthorized transactions.


我们通过物理、电子和组织上的保护措施来保护消费者信息. 我们不断检讨我们的政策和做法, monitor our computer networks and test our security to help ensure the safety of consumer information.

You may also obtain information about financial products and services offered by the 国营农场 family of companies by contacting any 国营农场 agent or viewing online information at dienmayhikaru.com®.



  • Once we have received a written request for access to recorded personal information which is reasonably locatable and retrievable, 我们将在30天内:
    • 以书面形式告知您所记录的个人信息的性质和内容, 通过电话或其他口头交流.
    • 允许您查看并复制, 在人, the recorded personal information (except medical-record information) which applies to you or provide you with copies of this information by mail, 你喜欢哪一个.
    • 通知你这些人, 如果记录, to which the personal information (except medical-record information) has been disclosed in the two years prior to your request. 如果身份没有被记录, 我们会把这些pp王者电子官网机构的名称提供给你, 代理, insurance-support organizations or other persons to whom such information is normally disclosed.
    • 向您提供您可要求更正的程序摘要, 修改或删除已记录的个人信息.
  • 医疗记录信息-除个别州外, medical-record information provided by a medical-care institution or a medical professional generally will be disclosed by 国营农场 to a medical professional whose name and address you provide us and who is licensed to provide medical care for the conditions to which the information applies.
  • 国营农场 may charge you a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in providing you with a copy of recorded personal information. If the information applies to reasons for an adverse underwriting decision, t在这里 will be no charge.
  • 在某些情况下, our obligations to you regarding access to recorded personal information may be satisfied by referring you to an insurance-support organization.
  • Your rights regarding access to recorded personal information apply to the information collected and maintained in connection with insurance transactions. These rights do not extend to information collected in connection with or in reasonable anticipation of a claim or civil or criminal proceeding.


作为个人, 您对更正有以下权利, 修改或删除记录的个人信息;

  • 在收到你的书面要求后30天内改正, 修改或删除我们所记录的任何个人信息, 州立农场将:
    • 更正、修改或删除有争议的部分记录的个人信息
    • 通知你方我方拒绝更正, 修改或删除, 拒绝的原因和你提交抗议声明的权利.
  • 如果记录的个人信息被更正, 修改或删除, 本局会以书面通知阁下,并将有关资料提供予:
    • 你指定的任何可能, 在过去两年内, 收到此类记录的个人信息.
    • any insurance-support organization whose primary source of personal information is insurance institutions, if it has systematically received recorded personal information about you from us within the preceding 7 years, 除非这些信息不再保存.
    • any insurance-support organization that furnished the personal information that has been corrected, 修改或删除.
  • 如果你不同意,就拒绝改正, 修改或删除已记录的个人信息, 你可提交:
    • concise statement setting forth what you think is the correct, relevant or fair information and
    • 简明扼要地陈述你不同意拒绝改正的理由, 修改或删除已记录的个人信息.
  • 如果您提交上述任何一份声明,国营农场将:
    • file the statement with the disputed personal information and provide a means by which anyone reviewing the disputed personal information will be made aware of the statement and have access to it.
    • in any subsequent disclosure of the recorded personal information that is the subject of disagreement, 清楚地指出有争议的信息,并提供已归档的陈述.
    • furnish the statement to any of the three categories of persons and organizations covered in the second bullet.
  • 你对更正的权利, 修改或删除 of recorded personal information apply to the information collected and maintained in connection with insurance transactions. These rights do not extend to information collected in connection with or in reasonable anticipation of a claim or civil or criminal proceeding.

最后, 我们觉得你应该知道pp王者电子官网支持组织, 哪些公司向pp王者电子官网公司提供个人信息, may retain copies of this information in their files and may disclose the information to others.

You may exercise your right to correction by submitting a written request using one of the following options.

  • 写信给我们:
    关注:企业合规性 & 道德-隐私办公室,C-2
  • 给我们发邮件至privacy@statefarm.请注明您的姓、名和地址.)
